CFAE Media
Culturally and economically, humanity may move in directions that are not always conducive to a healthy understanding of ourselves and of the universe in which we live. This is often consequences of assumptions made that over decades, if not centuries, have been expounded on by individuals with various degrees of interpretation of variables to produce favorable results. The Realignment Series is dedicated to finding these assumptions, reevaluating the questions, and presenting the problem in a whole new light.
The series aims to realign our understanding of issues that are most important to ourselves now and for the coming future to include topics on consciousness, the sciences, and technologies.
See all that’s coming up on the Series and other events on our Community Events page.
More people today than ever before have the opportunity to express their ideas through words, and actions, and this has never been more evident than with the rise of podcasting and webinars.
While producing a webinar or podcast is fairly straightforward, creating a polished production requires an entirely different set of tools and skill set.
CFAE Media can help you develop a structure around your idea and get it published on this platform, your own website, and other channels, which we’ll assist you in creating.
Let us help you take the leap into podcasting, webinars, or even hosting a docucast for your product or service. We’ll make the process enjoyable and exciting.
Original Series
These are a series of webinars that are produced by CFAE Media with a common theme throughtout.
Current Affairs are webinars from individuals speaking on current issues facing us today.
Extraordinary Biographies are webinars on specific extraordinary individuals and their life.
Causes and Consequences of the War in Ukraine
Philosopher and cultural historian Harrie Salman, author of the book The Social World as Mystery Center and The Great Reset and its Health Dictatorship, will guide us through some thoughts on the outbreak of war in Eastern Europe; the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
Trapped in the Metaverse
Boyd Collins has thirty years of experience building web applications and is the author of numerous articles on how to free ourselves from social media addiction. He will describe the metaverse and the type of human being it is designed to produce.
Eastern Europe and the Spirits of Personality
Daniel Perez, a Computer Scientist and long time Anthroposophist, will review the currents at work in the Ukrainian war, including the spiritual forces that inspire Putin and drive him to stand in opposition to the West.
Decades of Geoengineering
Elana Freeland, author of Geoengineering Transhumanism, the third book in her Geoengineering Trilogy, will help us with contextual challenges of understanding how technology is being used today and how this most of all is a reason why many people cannot comprehend geoengineering, especially how it relates to Transhumanism.
Trends in Mental Health
Psychiatrist Robert Filocco reviews two broad trends appearing in modern society that speak to both the long-term evolution of consciousness and to the more immediate crises of today.
Spirit Journey to Wounded Knee
Mia Feroleto will guide us through her life, back to her childhood, her education in art and journalism, and the intersections and turning points that led her to the Lakota and beyond.
Spirit in Watercolor
Life, Love, Art, and Anthroposophy. A 100 Year Journey. A candid interview with a prominent American watercolorist, Lois Schroff.
A Lifetime of Striving for Community
Adventure, Joy, Celebration, Truth, Beauty, Freedom, and Love. A candid interview with a one woman tour de force! Nancy Jewel Poer.
Hosted Series
Prepared presentations from subject matter experts. Webinars are hosted live with attendee Q&A sessions.
Soon to be listed
Audio and/or video recorded interviews.
Soon to be listed
Prodcasts are business owners sharing the history and insights into their product for sale in the marketplace.
The Living Sound of Lautsänger
From the Gramophone to modern-day speakers, loudspeaker technology has changed in design and material over the past hundred years. But what has yet to be achieved is a living sound comparable to that of a live performance, until now.
The Adopt an Artist Program
The Adopt An Artist Program is to stimulate creativity and create a catalyst for the growth of the arts within the individual and the collective. Hearkening back to the times of Ancient Greece and Rome when the arts were a part of everyday life.
Video Productions
High quality, budgeted productions, professionally filmed and choreographed.
Training Courses
Educational course work with syllabus taught by subject matter professionals.