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By Harrie Salmon
Revised, Second Edition 2020
It’s been 20 years since the Social World as Mystery Center was first published back in 1999. This book was written before its time but its time is now come. In this newly updated and revise edition Harrie Salman shares his insights into the anthroposophical social impulse, his vision of the anthroposophical movement, and the possibilities open to each individual to contribute to a renewal of culture that is most need right now!
The Hidden Heretic of the Renaissance:
Leonardo da Vinci
By Andrew Linnell
Published March 2020
Hidden Heretic describes Leonardo’s depiction of a deep mystery in his Virgin of the Rocks paintings. Because the Inquisition was still a menace to science and non-Catholic theologies, Leonardo dismembered his insights to safely reveal them individually through his artistic genius. The book shows how this dismembered mystery can be reintegrated through the works of his students.