
How can we rightly understand science and apply it to technology? This, as a moral question, is what MysTech seeks to answer. The evolution of science beyond its boundary with the physical world is one of the main missions of MysTech. Another is, from this understanding, to realign science with human freedom and from this create technologies that can evolve in a symbiotic nature with our natural, conscious and spiritual evolution.

Currently, MysTech provides education and the means for participation for all those in the various fields of science and technology to work on these very important questions and share research toward this end. MysTech endeavors to conduct research towards its goals.


Social MysTech

The need for a place to have online conversations that are free from corporate eavesdropping was the genesis of creating Social MysTech.

Open to the public without privacy invasion, MysTech was created to work according to how people are accustomed in a social network.

Social MysTech provides the user with the following benefits when signed up to use its services:

  • A managed and secure site
  • A user profile
  • The ability to create one’s own groups
  • Posting of images, links, and video previews in posts
  • Hash tags
  • Messaging
  • Blog posts
  • More features to be announced as they are added

In addition Social MysTech works seamlessly with Members MysTech to provide easy exchange of ideas for those who also have a MysTech Membership (See: Members MysTech)

To be a part of Social MysTech please sign up at:


Members MysTech

Membership is a reciprocal way of supporting the enormous efforts of MysTech and its goals on a yearly basis and receiving something back in grateful appreciation. The Members are recognized for their yearly giving by offering them full access to the multimedia and educational resources of MysTech.

With a yearly support of a $150 dollars, Members MysTech offers these benefits as a thank you:

  • Discounts on books and free shipping through Rudolf Steiner Bookstore
  • Discounts on MysTech supported workshops and conferences
  • A yearly MysTech Journal subscription with shipping included
  • Access to the enhanced online version of the MysTech Journal
  • Full access to all MysTech webinars and all other recordings
  • Discount on online training courses offered through MysTech

With each member signup, a portion of the membership fee goes to a restricted fund for MysTech Research & Development. In addition, MysTech Members have seamless access to and from Social MysTech (See: Social MysTech).

For more information or to become a yearly supporter of MysTech please visit us at: Rudolf Steiner Bookstore – Membership.


MysTech Journal

The journal is the publication of research of authors working in the various sciences and technology fields who also have backgrounds in spiritual and consciousness research. With science and technologies no longer limited  to the lifeless realm, the working of living processes vibrating from human consciousness is open to research. The MysTech Journal draws researchers from all fields of study to trace as clear a line as possible to a future science and technology that are based on an elevated human capacity of a moral intuition.

The MysTech Journal is a combination of many different elements that include the following:

  • Research: Topics of research founded on authors field of work
  • Reviews: Current books and cultural events
  • Expositions: Comprehensive insights of current findings, theories and technologies
  • Artwork: Original artistic works are a focus on the cover of each Journal and within each issue.
  • Advertisements: Product and service that are align with the journal’s core philosophy.

To inquire about submission of WRITTEN WORKS, please contact us at [email protected] with subject: Written Submission Inquiry.

To inquire about submission of ARTISTIC WORKS especially for the cover, please contact us at [email protected] with subject: Artistic Submission Inquiry.

To inquire about ADVERTISEMENT PLACEMENT, please contact us at [email protected] with subject: Advertisement Inquiry.

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LiveStream Courses

Education is a cornerstone of MysTech. Offerings include the following:

  • Live online courss about science and technology from a spiritual scientific perspective
  • Free, 10-week classes, one for beginners and one for intermediate students

Each class is led by a subject matter expert

  • Classes are held via the Zoom video conferencing application
  • Each class member receives a syllabus outlining each weeks study and links to reading resources
  • Access to the study group site on Social Mystech to review recordings of lessons and to continue the conversation among peers

Courses begin three times per year: winter, spring and fall. For questions about the course please email [email protected] with subject: MysTech Study Course Inquiry. Or to register for the next available course, please fill out the form by selecting Register>> above.

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MysTech Conference

Forging strong social bonds in our technological age is deemed essential for progress. MysTech holds an annual conference in August. For information email [email protected] with subject: MysTech Conference.

Register for MysTech's LiveStream Course: